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Johnson secured employment on the lead-writing desk of , having met its editor, , while at university. His articles appealed to the newspaper's Conservative-voting "" readership, and he was known for his distinctive literary style, replete with old-fashioned phrasing and for regularly referring to the readership as "my friends". In early 1989, Johnson was appointed to the newspaper's Brussels bureau to report on the European Commission, remaining in the post until 1994. A strong critic of the integrationist Commission president , he established himself as one of the city's few journalists. He wrote articles about : that Brussels had recruited sniffer dogs to ensure that all manure smelt the same, they were about to dictate the acceptable curve of British bananas, limit the power of their vacuum cleaners and order women to return their old sex toys. He wrote that euro notes made people impotent and that a plan to blow up the was in place because asbestos cladding made the building too dangerous to inhabit. Many of his fellow journalists were critical of his articles, saying they often contained lies designed to discredit the commission. The Europhile Conservative politician later said that Johnson was "one of the greatest exponents of fake journalism". Johnson opposed banning handguns after the , writing in his column "Nanny is confiscating their toys. It is like one of those vast ."

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Although labelling Johnson "ineffably duplicitous" for breaking his promise not to become an MP, Black decided not to dismiss him because he "helped promote the magazine and raise its circulation". Johnson remained editor of , while also writing columns for and , and making television appearances. His 2001 book, , recounted that year's election campaign, while 2003's collected previously published columns and articles. In 2004, published his first novel: revolved around the life of a Conservative MP and contained autobiographical elements. Responding to criticism that he was juggling too many jobs, he cited and as exemplars who combined political and literary careers. To manage stress, he took up jogging and cycling, and became so well known for the latter that suggested he was "perhaps the most famous cyclist in Britain".


Johnson succeeded May as prime minister. He with the EU and in early September ; the later ruled the prorogation to have been unlawful. After agreeing to a revised but , Johnson called to be held in December 2019, in which he won a . During , the government by introducing various to mitigate its impact and approved . He also by imposing and authorising to Ukraine. In the scandal it was found that numerous parties had been held at during , and COVID-19 social distancing laws were breached by 83 individuals, including Johnson, who in April 2022 was issued with a . The publishing of the in May 2022 and a widespread sense of dissatisfaction led in June 2022 to a amongst Conservative MPs, which he won. In July 2022, revelations over as of the party while knowing of allegations of sexual misconduct against him led to a and to Johnson announcing his resignation as prime minister. He was succeeded as prime minister by , his foreign secretary. He remained in the House of Commons as a until June 2023, when he received the draft of the that unanimously found that he had lied to the Commons on numerous occasions. Johnson resigned his position as MP the same day.


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During his first administration, Johnson was embroiled in several personal scandals. After moving to a new house in Islington, he built a shed without obtaining ; after neighbours complained, he dismantled it. The press also accused him of having an affair with Helen Macintyre and of fathering her child, allegations that he did not deny. Johnson was accused of warning that police were planning to arrest him; Johnson denied the claims. He was accused of , in particular for appointing as the chair of London's . In the , he was accused of excessive expenses claims for taxis.Johnson remained a popular figure in London with a strong celebrity status in the city.


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Johnson championed London's financial sector and denounced what he saw as "banker bashing" following the , condemning the movement that appeared in 2011. He collected donations from the city's wealthy for a charitable enterprise, the Mayor's Fund, which he had established to aid disadvantaged youths. It initially announced the fund would raise £100 million, but by 2010 it had only earnt £1.5 million. He also maintained extensive personal contacts throughout the British media, which resulted in widespread favourable press coverage of his administration. In turn he remained largely supportive of his friends in the media, including , during the .

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